They do minor damage & knock you over but are easy to dodge with a little strafing. The trick is getting a little height (in this DLC very easy to do) as its only attack is to throw rocks at you.

Fighting one straight up is going to see you take a lot of damage & they soak up bullets. Later in the DLC, Yetis are introduced & they add a little bit of extra difficulty…at first. These are basic stuff such as steal a truck or find a certain weapon & they get repetitive quickly. The DLC is generous with its XP though & by the end I had all available skills with points left over.īeyond the main missions & night defences the only other thing you can do are side-missions that give you free upgrades for the relay station. Starting this DLC is effectively starting a new game, Any skills/weapons etc that you’d found or earned in the main campaign won’t be here. There isn’t a massive incentive to really bother though as you’ll rarely be reaching the capacity’s once you’ve increased the sizes once or twice. it’s a much easier process than the main game but some will require exploration. Get these & you can increase your bait bag size, wallet, quiver etc. While there are much less areas to explore & items to pick up you are encouraged to go off the beaten path to collect animal skins stored in boxes. The Valley itself is a fairly large area to explore with plenty of the usual hostile wildlife to deal with on your journey. These can be quite challenging with attacks from all directions & you having to prioritise where you position yourself. These come in increasingly difficult waves with Ajay having to survive 5 nights in total. Each night the group that inhabit the valley will attack the station in attempts to blow it up. You can upgrade its defences by adding fences with razor wire, exploding barrels & mounted guns. After discovering the relay station, it becomes a base of operations as you explore the Valley. What the DLC does do differently are the night defence missions. The story is not particularly exciting & the missions cut & pasted from the main campaign.

Ajay Ghale wakes up in a crashed helicopter in the mountains & hears what sounds like the helicopter pilot being interrogated by persons unknown across the radio. This piece of DLC takes place completely in the Himalayas…a section of the main game that you occasionally went to complete missions.

You can read a great review written by Raptures Lost here. Far Cry 4 was a great addition to the franchise even if it was a little bit too similar to Far Cry 3.