I think that Alexia Vici (like someone else said, because she is related to Titus Mede II), Elisif, Amaund Motierre, possibly the Dragonborn if worst comes to worst, or Balgruuf like you said. and he me it seemd like he may have been leaning towards the stormcloaks, until Galmar and Ulfric decided that his stance was too defensive.

plus if the stormcloaks win and he becomes emperor then they might actually try to come to some agreement with a nord that knows how they feel. If I made a DLC/Mod quest line, I'd make Balgruuf become the Emperor, I mean either way he sides with the empire, if the stormcloaks win they kick him out and he leaves with the empire, if the empire wins he becomes a leader figure. I don't like the thought of the dragonborn becoming emperor, and doing to the thalmor what they did to the empire isn't going to make you a good guy.

No offense, but personally I don't like it. Even the ghost at old Hroldan belived that you were Hialti, which. A lot of thing within the story, suggested of Dragonborn association with Talos. What Nait said, but that exactly how I was planning to have the next dlc progressing. Don’t argue the facts, because, facks are facks. Thats just what I think, but fell free to argue with me. I personally think the Last Dragonborn should become the new Emperor, be it Titus has children or not (the *updated* lore says the seat is now vacant, because dark brotherhood). It also says that the only way to legitimize yourself is to prove/ show you’re Dragonborn (Be it Pure Dragonborn or blood related).

Also according to lore, the spot of Emperor was only ever legitimately held when there was a Dragonborn Emperor in the seat. When Reman Cyrodill defeated the Akaviri, they recognized him as Dragonborn and swore loyalty.Ĥ. I know it was destroyed, but say it comes back (it’s a long-shot. The Amulet of the Kings is a symbol of legitimate Dragonborn-Emperor power. Ever since what’s-her-face (that lady Dragonborn empress) became known as a Dragonborn Empress, it’s been like that until the Septim Dynasty died out, and according to lore, was supposed to be that way.Ģ. I’m just gonna say what I think should happen: the Last Dragonborn HIMSELF becomes the new emperor.ġ.